Loxton Chamber of Commerce

What is Loxton Means Business? Loxton Means Business is a campaign initiative of the Loxton Chamber of Commerce. It offers our members a means to participate in affordable advertising, marketing and promotional ventures.

About the Chamber

The Loxton Chamber of Commerce is a well respected membership based, not for profit organisation.

Our strong community network represents over 100 businesses of all sizes, across most industry sectors with one common goal; to promote and further develop the Loxton business community to benefit the generations of today and tomorrow.

General meetings are held every 2nd month, with the executive meeting on the off month.

Our successful alliance has enabled us to stimulate our local economy through a successful and positive television campaign and implement business to business collaborations, special events and shopping promotions. These key marketing initiatives help raise our profile and increase visitation to our town which benefits our businesses and encourages confidence amongst the local community.

We employ a Business and Events Manager to source new members, service existing members, provide resources and support for best business practice, identify opportunities and foster existing events.

As a member of the Loxton Chamber of Commerce you will form part of a motivated, passionate and resourceful group of people who are leading the way and serious about contributing to the economic environment and growth of Loxton.

To enquire about becoming a member contact our
Business and Events Manager
Sonya Altschwager
Ph: 0427 064 825
Fax: 8584 7026
Email: admin@loxtonchamber.com.au
